
Jul 28 2024




Jetlagged klingt nach deiner Auslandsreise, erinnert dich an deinen Roadtrip im Bulli und regt gleichermaßen zum Träumen, Mitsingen und Mitklatschen an. ​Das Frankfurter Akustik-Duo spielt von Westerngitarre, Percussion, Akustik-Bass und Banjo getriebene eigene Songs, sowie handverlesene Coversongs aus den letzten Jahrzehnten.  Die Songs von Hoffnung, Liebe & Verlust, Abschied & Neuanfang werden in bewegende Metaphern, Melodien und Rhythmus gehüllt.

Infos unter: https://www.jetlaggedband.com/ 


Jetlagged sounds like your trip abroad, reminds you of your road trip in a van and inspires you to dream, sing and clap along in equal measure. The Frankfurt acoustic duo plays their own songs driven by acoustic guitar, percussion, acoustic bass and banjo, as well as hand-picked cover songs from the last few decades.  The songwriting is characterised by themes as diverse as life itself. The songs of hope, love & loss, farewell & new beginnings are wrapped in moving metaphors, melodies and rhythm.

Info at: https://www.jetlaggedband.com/

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