
Jul 23 2023


21:30 - 22:30

Zepomenuto v Polich (Forgotten in the Fields)

Zepomenuto v Polich (Forgotten in the Fields)

 CZ 2016. Renata Sachova & Česká televize. Czech, CC English. Documentary, 25′

Continuo Theatre together with 13 performers from 9 countries are returning to the topics of the stories acquired during a three-year oral history research in the village of Malovice, the seat of Continuo Theatre, and its surroundings. The stories of those who remembered the last 80 years of our history had already become source material for the site specific summer project Scars in the Stone (2010) and the performance Neighbours (2012).

Although these stories are a part of the history and the contemporary society deals with different problems and topics, members of Continuo Theatre assume that a lot of historical events still influence the contemporary Czech society. Frustration from discontinued mobilization in 1938 and the subsequent occupation, aggression and vindictiveness during the violent post-war expulsion of the German inhabitants, underestimation of the communist power in post-war Czechoslovakia, collaboration with occupiers, German as well as Soviet ones, and many other failures remain latently existing and unsolved.

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